Hey There Guys!
Let's Talk Ceramides!
I was blog-browsing the other day (one of my favourite past times, lol) when I came across a blog post from my hair-inspiration Jeni from Just Grow Already,
it was about a 30-day Ceramide Challenge
It looked really interesting! I had to admit that I had really fallen off of using my Grapseed Oil for Hot Oil Treatments these days. I mostly use it for moisturising & sealing.
Because everything Jeni does is awesome, (1 year post relaxer and her hair looks fab!) I decided to Join the Challenge right away! :-)
I didn't even know that Safflower Oil was Ceramide packed - I had it in my Box of Hair-Goodies collecting dust!
I didn't even know that Safflower Oil was Ceramide packed - I had it in my Box of Hair-Goodies collecting dust!
So I have Safflower Oil and I had Grapeseed Oil...
Let the Challenge Begin!
My Ceramide-Challenge Game Plan: