Week-long Hair Challenge Round Up... :-)

Hey there!

It's time for my Week-long Hair Challenge Round Up! :-)

So... I gave myself a Week-long Hair Challenge last week. The results are as follows:

  • 3 liters of water per day 
CHECK! Very pleased with myself, I bought my 1.5L water bottle and I made sure to drink 1 1/2 - 2 bottles everyday.
  • 5 Fruits and Veggies per day - juicing is a MUST
Medium-sized CHECK! I was not juicing everyday as I had hoped, BUT I did have a healthy serving of cooked vegetables everyday, as well as an orange (I bought a bag at the beginning of the week). AND I just got some spinach from the supermarket and carried it to Nature's Way and had my "Carrot-Beet-Banana-Strawberry-Spinach" Smoothie - Yummeh! I'll be doing this on alternate days.
  • Take my Vitamins WITH MY BREAKFAST - I have a back up set in my handbag for when I have to rush to work ;-)
CHECK! Yup yup I was on point with this this week, If I forgot to take them at home I always had a spare set in my handbag I could take with lunch. Didn't miss a day!
  • Moisturize and Seal daily!!! Just started using Shea Moisture Coconut Hibiscus Curl and Style Milk, so far so good :-)
CHECK! My hair LOVES this leave in conditioner. And I sealed with Vatika Oil/ Regular Coconut Oil/ Grapeseed + Castor Oil depending on my mood. Twas a productive week for Moisturizing and Sealing :-)
  • Do not forget Satin scarf or pillow case at night
  • Keep the braids in this week
  • Exercise - half an hour to an hour of aerobics
  • Co-wash as needed (with the daily exercise this is a must) 
  • Deep condition once to twice weekly.
Small- Medium sized CHECK! I definitely kept the braids in and was able to co-wash once this week, the second co-wash was supposed to be Sunday or yesterday but I was simply too exhausted from work this weekend. No worries I'll be tackling that this morning before work. I plan to co-wash as usual with a Moisturizing conditioner of my choosing, I think I'll go with my Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Moisturizing Conditioner this am :-).
I will be deep conditioning tonight with an ORS Replenishing Pack, I did not deep condition at the last co-wash, naughty :-(

With respect to exercise...
I honestly did not get around to doing any of my scheduled exercise routines! shame shame shame.
It was bad enough that I didn't accomplish my exercise goals this week, but typing it now makes it even More Real, sheesh!!! SMH

I have to say I give myself about A- for effort and B+ for execution
So there's definitely room for improvement this week! :-)

I strongly suspect I can get all of the things on my list done if I loosen my concept of the task I want to achieve. What do I mean by this?
Well, with starting a new job this past week and trying to figure out the hours, and the on calls (i.e. all-nighters at work, fun-times lol), its been a bit difficult to make it to my usual scheduled spin classes and aerobics classes, BUT... I do have a jump rope!

Did you know that just 5 minutes straight (no chaser, lol) of just continuous jump rope can really get the blood pumping and calories burning, i.e. is a great aerobic workout. So instead of throwing in the towel because I didn't get to do the exercise class that I wanted because my schedule didn't permit it,
I can always find 5 SPARE minutes at some point in the day, even in if its just before my shower before bed, JUST 5 MINUTES to jump rope, and maybe add a few squats and sit-ups depending on my energy level.

In fact I found this neat lil calculator online that gives you a GENERAL idea of how much calories you can burn jumping rope! Neat huh?! :-) All you have to do is enter your weight, how long you plan to jump rope for and how fats you plan to jump, check it out!

My exercise motto for this week coming is "5 Minutes is better than Nothing!" :-)
I'm gonna pick myself up, dust myself off and TRY AGAIN! Woot woot!

I'll keep at my regime and give myself another Week-long Hair Challenge starting next week Monday February 3rd, 2014. Bring it on! :-)

This HHJ thing is often not an everyday-success-story. Sometimes we fall in some areas and excel in others; we just have to keep at it until our achievements outnumber the downfalls.
Keep at it! I plan to ;-)

Have a great morning guys!

Rachie :-)

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