Texlaxed! :-) "WHIP Length?"

Hey There Guys!

This is just a quick check-in post to let you guys know that... I Texlaxed my hair yesterday:
 *queue Rachie bouncing off the walls, lol*

Whats Rachie Up To? Weekly Round-up Time!... :-)

Hey There!

Can you believe its almost September ALREADY?? Gosh this year is really flying by! That aside, as you guys know, I have been wearing plaits/braids for the last week.

I started to get a little bit bored, so...
Midweek I attempted to put braid extensions over the existing braids themselves, and I didn't quite like how they looked, so after putting in 5, I took them out. I think the parts have to be smaller and neater for me to attempt that, because I normally part my hair with my fingers to avoid breakage...

What's Rachie Been Up To?

Back 2 Braids & Rachie's Goals for This Week!... :-)

Hey There Guys!

As you guys know from my last post, I was enjoying wearing my hair free at almost 10 weeks post relaxer,
But I have been battling with shedding and breakage of late.
I wore my hair free this weekend in a braid out that didn't really go so well because I undid the 2 braids while my hair was still slightly moist from my leave-in conditioner - a BIG no-no! :-)
 *ends a tad damp/oily - not so great for already thinner-looking ends, oops!
 *ends a bit drier by this time
*completely dried ends the following morning at breakfast
While I still loved it anyway, I knew it was just too much manipulation for my hair right now, so I decided to go back to braids for the next 2 weeks...

Starting Over - My New Hair Goals for the Rest of 2014, as Well as My Ceramide Challenge Results!... :-)

Hey There Guys!
First of all let me acknowledge the elephant in the room, I've been incognito for far too long! But alas that's the nature of my full time job. Things can get very hectic and stressful.
I'm back however with a new outlook on so many things. In life you often get negativity thrown your way and stress that seems to come from thin air, but the trick is to figure out how to put "you" on your list of priorities.
I LOVE all things hair, I love blogging, I love jogging, I love challenging myself to be healthier: exercise and diet-wise, I love diving, reading, painting, documentaries and art; These things make me happy, making less time for them for "me" was not a good idea.
I have often been naughty in that regard, but as they say fall down 7 times, get up 8!

How's my Hair been Behaving (or Not! lol) of Late?