Back 2 Braids & Rachie's Goals for This Week!... :-)

Hey There Guys!

As you guys know from my last post, I was enjoying wearing my hair free at almost 10 weeks post relaxer,
But I have been battling with shedding and breakage of late.
I wore my hair free this weekend in a braid out that didn't really go so well because I undid the 2 braids while my hair was still slightly moist from my leave-in conditioner - a BIG no-no! :-)
 *ends a tad damp/oily - not so great for already thinner-looking ends, oops!
 *ends a bit drier by this time
*completely dried ends the following morning at breakfast
While I still loved it anyway, I knew it was just too much manipulation for my hair right now, so I decided to go back to braids for the next 2 weeks...
(woo! this took me about 3 hours to do, my aching shoulders! LOL)
I am thinking of adding extensions over these existing braids for a little bit of a change...
But in the mean time, for work I'll put them in a a large French Braid or Bun, and I'll probably add a scarf as usual, :-D

Rachie's Goals for This Week:
Yep yep! So I'm back to protective styling guys! I want to retain as much length as possible, because I plan to do a GOOD trim at my next Texlax Session, which can be done any time now, but I'm hoping to hold off for at least 2 weeks, maybe even 2 months depending on how my hair cooperates with me :-)

Here's hoping that I can stick to my To-do List for this week.
Hope you all have a great Monday!

Rachie :-)

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