Hmmm... Is there Something to this Inversion Method?... :-)


I don't know about you guys, but lately I've noticed a lot of talk about the "Inversion method" on all the blogs I browse and there are quite a few videos about it on YouTube. I had heard of one or two ladies trying it on the challenge I'm subscribed to on LHCF (Long Hair Care Forum), but I never really researched it or thought to give it a try. I already had so much to follow on my hair care/growth list! You feel me? Lol.

It was when I was browsing YouTube the other day when one video caught my eye:

Her results are amazing!!! In fact her hair is amazing, period. Its just amazing how healthy Texlaxed hair can look when its cared for really well.
This video had me really thinking... I'm skeptical...BUT nothing in this Inversion Method seems to be particularly hard to do or time consuming; and most importantly (Since I'm trying my BEST to avoid setbacks) there doesn't seem to be any step that is potentially harmful to my hair either...

I feel a little Challenge coming on!!
Woot Woot!
So, I'm gonna try this method, for a week straight every 3-4 weeks ( I think I'll alternate) until the end of May; complete with Scalp Massages with my LGHG Oil. I think I'll add baggying nightly or on alternate nights as well. I will do length checks on the last day of every month.

I like this... :-)
I may not get 1 inch per month but it wont do any harm to at least give it a try. I'm up for a Challenge! :-D

Rachie :-)

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