Hey There Guys!
Here we are on Part 3 of the "Hair Typing Series".
In Part 1 - We broke down the different components of Hair Type
To re-read Part 1 CLICK HERE
In Part 2 - We then discussed how different aspects of a Basic Hair Care Regimen are important with regards to the different components of Hair Type
To re-read Part 2(a) CLICK HERE
To re-read Part 2(b) CLICK HERE
Now in Part 3, we will cover the following:
- Rachie's Hair Care Regimen Deconstructed - My BASIC Hair Care Regimen
- Rachie's Staple Products
- Does My Hair Type Determine How Long My Hair Will Grow?
Rachie's Hair Care Regimen Deconstructed
It just so happens that I have every component of hair typing that makes one prone to easy tangling knots and breakage,
say it with me people, sigh!
Because of this I err on the side of caution MOST TIMES when it comes to my hair care regimen. It was very annoying at first, as in, like, can't I just go to bed normal & just wake up with fabulous hair? Can't it just moisturize itself sometimes?!
Anyhow, I soon recognized that there was no short cut, and that these things were what my hair NEEDED, so I kept at "My Regimen/Plan", and eventually it became habit.
Can I tell you, typing up this Updated Regimen has really got me thinking about the things I've slacked off on here and there over the weeks,
and reminded me that I need to get back in the game!
I TRIED MY BEST to make it as CONCISE as Possible,
Forgive me if it still ended up being a bit long!
Anyhow, here we go...
Forgive me if it still ended up being a bit long!
Anyhow, here we go...