#FitnessFriday - The Sunday Morning Check-In :-)
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Hey There!
Happy Sunday to Everyone!
Yes yes I know its Sunday, I missed Friday by almost 48 hours, eeps! oh well, I DID exercise! So Thumbs up to me and all you ladies that followed along, I LUV a plan and a goal, it just makes things so much easier and track-able.
PROS of this Week:
(1) The Midday Jump Rope session is a God-send! Honestly for anyone who has a ridiculously busy schedule like I do,
Wash Day! :-) Back to Braids!
Friday, 24 October 2014
Hey There Guys!
Wash Day this last weekend wasn't bad, per say,
I managed to do a much needed protein treatment,
Yay! - that's the sound my hair made post wash, Lol!
But I aint gonna lie, I was TIRED through the whole thing.
But what you gonna do?
The hair needs what the hair needs! So you've just got to soldier on!
But I aint gonna lie, I was TIRED through the whole thing.
But what you gonna do?
The hair needs what the hair needs! So you've just got to soldier on!
Fitness Friday: I Challenge Myself to Get Fit!
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Hey There!
This is a quick check in post to let you guys know that I have decided to challenge myself to exercise daily.
Exercise is important for so many aspects of our health, that it SHOULD be in everyone's daily routine,
BENEFITS of Exercise include:
and hair-wise :-) : I notice that I tend to have better hair growth when I am exercising daily and eating well...
Hehehe its a nice plus, I not goin' Lie, LOL! *winks*
All these benefits and YET,
This is a quick check in post to let you guys know that I have decided to challenge myself to exercise daily.
BENEFITS of Exercise include:
- Prevents Weight Gain & helps to Maintain Weight Loss
- Helps to keep Chronic Medical Illnesses at Bay, such as Diabetes, high Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol
- Improves Mood - That's for sure! When I'm not exercising enough I feel more lethargic and grumpy than normal.
- Boost Energy! - Lord knows I need all I can get these days!
- It can be FUN! When you get into the routine of it, its actually a lot nicer than you think, More FUN less CHORE :-)
and hair-wise :-) : I notice that I tend to have better hair growth when I am exercising daily and eating well...
Hehehe its a nice plus, I not goin' Lie, LOL! *winks*
All these benefits and YET,
Bamboo Tea For Hair Growth! :-)
Friday, 17 October 2014
Hey There!
I'm uber excited, because I just learned that my purchase of x2 30-day supply of Bamboo Tea has now shipped!
I can't wait to get it and try it out!
What is the big deal with Bamboo Tea? & What does it have to do with Hair Growth?
Wash Day after SCUBA! :-)
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Hey There Guys!
We are here again for yet another Wash Day Check in! :-)
This weekend, Sunday to be exact, I went Scuba Diving!
Its been too long - almost 2 months!
Work has kept me really busy.
As usual it was great! I do have to prepare my hair Pre-Dive though, because essentially I'm soaking my hair in salt water for just under 2 hours for that day
We are here again for yet another Wash Day Check in! :-)
This weekend, Sunday to be exact, I went Scuba Diving!
Its been too long - almost 2 months!
Work has kept me really busy.
As usual it was great! I do have to prepare my hair Pre-Dive though, because essentially I'm soaking my hair in salt water for just under 2 hours for that day
A Series of Unfortunate Big Chops! :-)
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Yup this is a picture of me,
This is a "Throwback Picture" of me that my fiance' found earlier on this week.
This was taken when I was doing my internship in Barbados I think in the latter part of 2010 or early 2011.
I was at a time in my "Hair Life" when My hair had had a growth spurt out of nowhere, I was so happy! With my extra-happy-self, I then decided to go to the Hairdresser to get it Layered...
(My hairdresser stories are the stuff of Halloween camp fire-side tales..)
Back to the story! So..
While in the chair, I kept trying to look at the floor to see how much was being cut off
At one point I glimpsed approx 3 inch thick pieces lifeless on the tiles,
I started to panic!
But back then I was a silent sufferer,
This is a "Throwback Picture" of me that my fiance' found earlier on this week.
This was taken when I was doing my internship in Barbados I think in the latter part of 2010 or early 2011.
I was at a time in my "Hair Life" when My hair had had a growth spurt out of nowhere, I was so happy! With my extra-happy-self, I then decided to go to the Hairdresser to get it Layered...
(My hairdresser stories are the stuff of Halloween camp fire-side tales..)
Back to the story! So..
While in the chair, I kept trying to look at the floor to see how much was being cut off
At one point I glimpsed approx 3 inch thick pieces lifeless on the tiles,
I started to panic!
But back then I was a silent sufferer,
Wash Day? :-)
Friday, 10 October 2014
Hey There Guys!
My mid-week "Wash Day" wasn't a Wash Day really it quickly became a Dry Deep Conditioning Session.
As you know, I Deep Condition twice a week & often times one of these sessions is a "Dry Deep Conditioning Session"
As you know, I Deep Condition twice a week & often times one of these sessions is a "Dry Deep Conditioning Session"
I do these Sessions so that I can give my hair the moisture it needs even when I am uber busy.
I have been very very very busy of late, I feel like a broken record saying this, but its true!
My hair doesn't care about my plight though,
Not at all!
She's just like:"Ye, dat nice, where's the moisture though? You Forgot?! Okay, Well allow me to fix your business Rach :-)" #breakage
Not at all!
She's just like:"Ye, dat nice, where's the moisture though? You Forgot?! Okay, Well allow me to fix your business Rach :-)" #breakage
So! back to Wash Day/Dry Deep Conditioning Quickie:
After The Last Wash Day I had put my hair in Plaits with a Scarf for work:
I grew tired of it after a single day so I did a Braid-Out which I eventually put into a Bun the Following Day:
Tuesday Night I was Not feeling that braid out much at all, and it felt a little on the dry side - AC at work is really drying some days,
So I opted for Dry Deep Conditioning:
- I wet my hands and ran them along my hair in 4 sections to VERY LIGHTLY Moisten the hair but not to the point where it was wet.
- I proceeded to Finger Detangle each section, then Detangled each section with a Denman Brush.
- Profectiv Mega Growth Daily Leave-In Strengthener was applied to each section and plaited
- Plastic cap, then under the dryer for 15 mins.
- Sealed with Sweet Almond Oil + Castor Oil, because I'm out of Grapeseed Oil! :-(
- Left cap off and allowed to Air dry
- I then separated each plait and then combed it out with a wide toothed comb:
- I then put on a head band and put my hair in a bun and went to work!
Yeppers so that's about it! Nothing big and exciting, I'll be doing a regular wash day with a moisturizing shampoo on Saturday or Sunday
I've joined the 30 Days Without Heat Challenge!
I'll let you guys know how that's going and what my plans are in a post coming soon :-)
Feel free to join along, just CLICK HERE
Check out how these other Ladies' Wash Days Went:

*I didn't put my link up this week because mine wasn't a true "Wash Day" per say, but I encourage you ladies to check out these other ladies Wash Days, because we can all stand to learn a thing or two, or be motivated in some way!
Have a Great week!
Rachie :-)
My Updated Hair Goal!!
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Hey There Guys!
While doing my Last post "Birthday Hair Tag" I was going through my Hairstyles & Hair Inspiration Board on Pinterest for pictures that best described the hair I'd love to rock (if I could) on my Birthday...
And I came across one particular picture I had forgotten I pinned a while back, but for some reason it really stood out at me the other day...
Guys is this not Perfection?
I knew immediately, THIS is my Hair Inspiration for my Next Birthday, April 2015!
I don't expect my hair to be exactly like anyone else's hair,
but rather,
the Thicker Healthier Version of my own hair,
but rather,
the Thicker Healthier Version of my own hair,
Rachie 2.0!
*Notice the thinner relaxed ends vs the thicker texlaxed section - breakage at the line of demarcation is a bummer, plus my straighter hair looks thinner that the more textured hair in general*
So at some point I'll have to cut off these thinner ends - planning to do it very gradually, on a monthly basis.
Time to get some GROWTH and LENGTH RETENTION in High Gear!
Woot woot!
I'm feeling all rejuvenated over here! Lol
Do you guys have any Hair Inspiration/Goal pics that keep you motivated on your HHJ?
Drop me a line or 2 below!
Drop me a line or 2 below!
Rachie :-)
Check out My "Hairstyles & Hair Inspiration Board"
Get your Motivation on!
Birthday Hair Tag! Yayness! :-)
Monday, 6 October 2014
Hey There!
This is a quick post that's actually a Birthday Hair Tag, sent to me from Abbi from
She just recently celebrated 1 year of having a hair blog!
I now appreciate how much work goes into maintaining one, whew! and hers looks fabulous!
(...and so does this cupcake, but I'm hungry... I digress, LOL)
So on to The Birthday Tag Questions...
air drying,
big hair,
dry deep conditioning,
oil rinsing,
tea rinses,
Wash Day! :-)
Thursday, 2 October 2014
Hey There Guys!
Yup yup its that time again, Wash Day Recap! This past weekend I did not do a Wash Day,
What I did do was a
Dry Deep Conditioning Session with my trusty
What I did do was a
Dry Deep Conditioning Session with my trusty
Profectiv Daily Strengthening leave-In Conditioner:
I took down my Twists,
Applied Conditioner to hair in 2 sections,
2 large twists made,
Plastic cap placed over hair and heat (overhead dryer) for 15mins
Sealed with a bit of Grapeseed Oil + Castor Oil mix (Focusing on the ends).
The hair felt soft and moisturized so
I just did Buns for the rest of the weekend until Tuesday:
Yesterday I started my (mid-week) Wash Day
Applied Conditioner to hair in 2 sections,
2 large twists made,
Plastic cap placed over hair and heat (overhead dryer) for 15mins
Sealed with a bit of Grapeseed Oil + Castor Oil mix (Focusing on the ends).
The hair felt soft and moisturized so
I just did Buns for the rest of the weekend until Tuesday:
Yesterday I started my (mid-week) Wash Day
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